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In case no one’s figured it out yet, we absolutely love to cook and drink. Autumn is pretty much heaven on earth (besides, y’know, the cold) for everyone on Team Wanderlust, and being in New England, we’re in the throes of a glorious and wonderful time of year…
Apple Season
Those of you who live in the northeast are nodding sagely in the background, but for everyone else, imagine kitchens filled with bushels of apples, being processed into apple pies, apple crisps, applesauce, baked apples, cinnamon apple… you name it, we do it. And the smell the very essence of baking glory. And then, there’s apple cider – cold pressed in ancient, wondrous machines that have survived for centuries on these orchards, lovingly maintained and gawked at by 3rd Grade field trips every year. Even our quick marts stock local artisan’s cider through October, something for which I am eternally grateful. And like all wonderful things, we asked ourselves: “How can turn this upside down with tea?”
Turns out, with ridiculous amounts of ease. All of our recipes are pretty straight-forward, but after pruning a couple of dubious suggestions, this turned out to be painfully simple.
Hot Spiced Cider Tea, aka “Spider Tea”
1. Pour the apple cider and cloves into a small pot, and bring it to a boil on high heat.
2. Remove from heat, adding the loose tea, and let sit for 5 minutes.
3. Strain the tea (or remove tea bags, if you opt to use disposables). Grate nutmeg over the drink to taste.
4. Serve hot, and enjoy.
Like I said, we’re talking seriously easy here. This works with just the cider and tea, too – the spices are delicious accents, but the spirit of the drink is still there without them. You can also substitute for different types of tea, but you’ll get the most mileage out of strong, robust black teas like breakfast blends or Assam teas. Try doubling the dose of cloves and using Russian Caravan, or adding a cinnamon stick for Masala Chai!